Friday, 27 January 2012

Unit 3 Maya work.

Such as it is, if only I didn't need to work as often I dare say that there would have been more.


  1. Hey Simon,

    With Ilmi, Steven, Jamie and I, we're your creative partners for Unit 4. Really looking forward working with everyone as a group!! ^_^

    Nice work on the chest! You're nearly there!! Once you get used to adding textures and stuff on the other objects- the rest will be easier to do!! Keep it up!! :D

  2. Hi – please don’t ignore this information – it’s important you order your animation materials NOW – delivery can take up to 3 weeks and you can’t participate in the animation workshops without the requisite materials. (If you’re organized already, ignore this prompt!).

    In the past, students have clubbed together to buy a pack of paper between them so at least they’ve got something to get started with; but trust me on this – you’re going to want a pegbar of your own!
